How can you help contribute to the trail system? By supporting GUMBO! Donate your time, your dollars or both!
DonateDonations to GUMBO directly benefit the trail system by helping to purchase tools, materials and supplies. You can donate in two ways:
PayPal Donate using your credit card or bank account by clicking the Donate button below: By Check
Send a check payable to GUMBO to: GUMBO 606 Trimble Rd Joppa, MD 21085 GUMBO is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible.
VolunteerGive back to the trails by donating your time and energy on trail work days. Trail work days are typically held at least once a month from roughly March to November. Join our email list to be informed when and where the next scheduled trail work session will be. Please enter your contact information below: